A study out of the University of Hyogo in Awaji, Japan finds office plants to help improve the mental health of those who are stuck indoors all day doing a desk job.

The researchers evaluated 69 workers’ psychological stress and physiological stress, using questionnaires and monitoring pulse rates, who underwent a “control” phase without a desk plant, and an “intervention” phase with a plant of their choice from the following:  air plants (Tillandsia pseudobaileyi), bonsai of japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) or japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii), san pedro cactus (Trichocereus pachanoi), foliage plants [parlor palm (Chamaedorea elegans), heartleaf philodendron (Philodendron oxycardium), or garden croton (Codiaeum variegatum)], kokedama of corn plant (Dracaena fragrans), and echeveria [peacock echeveria (Echeveria peacocki) or Echeveria ‘Splendor’]. 

They had training on how to take care of their plant, and needed to take care of it during the “intervention” phase of the experiment.

Not shockingly, those with desk plants who passively observed them, took care of them, or actively gazed at the plants showed improvement in overall stress and heart rate.

Multiple studies have shown a high resting pulse could signify future heart risk.  Hence a lower resting heart rate is a positive health marker.

Study authors conclude: For business owners, small indoor plants could be economical and helpful in their effort to reduce stress-related conditions. In addition, for growers of indoor plants and business owners of rental plant companies, the field of mental health for office workers could be promising markets. Our findings provide a piece of evidence in using small indoor plants for promoting workers’ mental health in the office.

12 Plants That Make Your Home and Office Healthier

How clean is the air in your home?  Noxious chemicals build up very quickly in one’s house.  These include:

Carbon monoxide (from heaters, fireplaces),

Radon (from soil, drains, pipes),

Formaldehyde (from tobacco smoke, new wood furniture, flooring and cabinets, and glue, cosmetics and detergents)

Volatile Organic Compounds/benzene/trichloroethylene, (from plastics, rubber, detergents, degreasers)

Ammonia (from detergents, cleaners)

Xylene (from cigarettes, paint and car exhaust)

These chemicals have been linked to a variety of illnesses from “sick building syndrome” which includes fatigue, myalgias, asthma, headache, palpitations and possible nose bleeds to cancer and possibly death.

Household plants can help eliminate these from the air that you and your family breathe.

The following 12 household plants may come in handy:

3.  Boston Fern

Removes formaldehyde

4.  Snake Plant

Removes benzene and formaldehyde

5.  Areca Palm

Removes most of the above mentioned chemicals and has been rated “Most efficient air purifying plant” by NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America

6.  Lady Palm

Removes formaldehyde and ammonia

7.  Bamboo Palm

Removes benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde

8.  Peace Lily

Removes benzene, ammonia and formaldehyde

9.  Golden Pothos

Removes most of the above chemicals

10. Dragon Tree

Removes xylene

11. English Ivy

Removes formaldehyde and mold

12. Chinese Evergreen

Multi-talented as well eliminating much of the above chemicals

Nationally syndicated radio personality on GCN Network, KDWN, iHeart Radio and Board Certified Family Physician @DrDaliah

One response to “Desk Plants Can Help You Relax AND Clean Your Air”

  1. I have several of these plants in my home 🙂 Doctor, I wonder if I might present something to you that may or may not be if interest. You may or may not have come across the verbiage ‘redox bio chemistry’ but you would have studied the kreb cycle, in that, all cells must produce energy to survive. While the body is producing ATP, in the kreb cycle/mitochondria or the power plant of our cells, it is also producing redctant and oxidant molecules – signalling molecules: Doctors, scientists, and researchers once thought that these were useless, unimportant, auxiliary molecules that were waste products of the mitochondria producing ATP and it was not until in the 90s that scientists discovered these molecules were foundational to cellular health, as they are responsible for detecting, protecting and replacing damaged cells.

    As we know, trillions of cells are what our bodies are made of and when they become damaged or dysfunctional, the body struggles to heal itself as it was originally designed to do. Redox signalling molecules facilitates this cellular repair, thereby allowing the body to heal itself. I feature a short video testimonial on my page about them, but in the text section of the video, you will find few short video links of health experts like yourself, speaking about their importance for cellular health. Perhaps you can kindly look at them when you have a moment.

    You may also take advantage of pubmed.gov, which I’m sure you are aware of for the thousands of peer reviewed studies on redox bio-chemistry and redox signalling molecules. My apologies for the long text, but it’s a very important field of health science that’s generating a phenomenal amount of interest with scientists, medical and health care professionals, as well as an avalanche of testimonials from regular product users across the world. Thousands of health care and medical professionals are using redox signalling technology for the health of their patients and I thought it might be of value to you and your patients too. If it becomes of value to you and you wish to also try the product technology, I will be happy to assist you in that process, as I’m an Associate of the company. Happy New Year and wishing you well. Bernadette

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