The deadly blast that hit a carload of journalists near Kyiv as they were covering the Russia-Ukraine War last month left one survivor, and he is beginning to speak out about the ordeal.

British journalist and Fox News correspondent, Benjamin Hall survived the blast that killed veteran cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski, 55, and their producer Oleksandra ‘Sasha’ Kurshynova, 24, but his injuries, at the time, had not been disclosed.

He was transported immediately to a nearby hospital in Ukraine and then transferred to a hospital in Texas to be treated for multiple injuries.

The extent of his injuries included the loss of part of a leg and foot and sight in one eye and possibly permanent hearing loss.

Hall states: To sum it up, I’ve lost half a leg on one side and a foot on the other. One hand is being put together, one eye is no longer working, and my hearing is pretty blown… but all in all I feel pretty damn lucky to be here – and it is the people who got me here who are amazing!

On Twitter today he paid tribute to his lost colleagues and updated the public on the extent of his injuries.

He has more treatment ahead of him as they are trying to reconstruct one of his hands.

This is a developing story…..

Daliah Wachs, MD, FAAFP is a nationally syndicated radio personality on GCN Network, KDWN, and iHeart Radio.

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